Human Within

A Captivating Dive into the Shifting Landscape of Identity

Immersed in the contemporary era, where technology is reshaping the very essence of humanity, Human Within stands as a robust conceptual exploration of the consequences of technological advancements and the far-reaching impacts of the selfish or compassionate choices we make. All of this unfolds through the captivating lens of virtual reality paradox.

The Story: In the digital age, where the boundaries between reality and virtuality blur, cybernetic engineer Nyla and her sister Linh have pioneered a groundbreaking method. They’ve harnessed the immense processing power of the human brain to create the ultimate supercomputer. Hired by Forward Industries, they successfully transfer human consciousness into the digital realm. However, when Nyla threatens to abandon the project, the narrative takes an unexpected turn. Held against their will, they are now compelled to complete what they initiated.

Convinced that their employer harbors sinister intentions for the technology, Nyla and Linh embark on a daring journey to prevent misuse. Isolated from the outside world, Nyla links Linh to the device, utilizing her unparalleled network connectivity to orchestrate a bold escape. It’s a plan that forces Nyla to wield the very technology she feared.
Human Within invites you to witness a narrative that explores the intricate interplay between humanity and technology, as characters grapple with the consequences of their creations and decisions. Will the sisters succeed in navigating the perilous intersection of ethics and innovation, or will they become victims of the very technological marvel they unleashed? Prepare for a riveting experience that challenges your perceptions and draws you into a world where the digital and the human collide in unprecedented ways.

Director: Anne Weigel

Production Designer: Rodrigo Martirena

Cinematography: Philip Reinhold

Production Companies: Actrio Studio (GER)

Signal Space Lab (CA)